For Every Hen's disclosure statement in relation to any and all links, reviews and opinions on our website.
Find out what it all means below!
We may have a financial relationship with some of the merchants we mention.
From time to time, our blog posts and pages may contain affiliate links, which means we may get compensated/earn a commission if the affiliate links are utilised to make a purchase (don't worry, though, there is no extra cost for you!).
Our editorial content, including the advice we provide for informational/educational purposes and the opinion we express on products, services and merchants is not influenced in any way by advertisers or affiliate partnerships and the integrity of our content is in no way compromised by such financial relationships.
We only affiliate with products, services, and merchants that we believe will provide value to our readers. We only endorse products, services and merchants that we have personally used/tested and consider of the highest quality standard. Earning a small commission is a nice side benefit that allows us to continue bringing the information, projects, reviews and more; making For Every Hen a truly valuable resource for anyone planning a celebration.
If you are interested in a linked product or service, it remains solely your personal responsibility to conduct your own investigation to determine whether to purchase an affiliate product or service.
You will not rely on any recommendation, reference, or information provided by us and we cannot be held liable or responsible for any damages resulting from your purchase.
Affiliate links are included in some guest blogs, but only if we believe there is a product/service that is of benefit to the reader.
We do not receive a commission for featuring guest articles on this website (For Every Hen). These articles are purely there to make your planning as easy as possible and to give you as many options/ideas as possible in the process. As such, the views and opinions expressed within these guest blogs are purely those of the authors.
When a business applies for a guest blog position, they are provided with information on how they are expected to provide value to the For Every Hen community.
If a blog was written by another business, we will always let you know at the beginning of the article. From that blog, it's then up to you to decide if you're interested in learning more about that particular product or service. If you are interested, we encourage you to do your own investigations prior to booking an experience or purchasing a product from the author.
We receive payment for some advertisements within the Magazines. All businesses are screened prior to being approved to ensure they are the perfect fit for our wonderful community
In regards to reviews, For Every Hen is never directly compensated to provide opinion on products or services; however complimentary products/experiences allow us to write our opinion without being out of pocket. All opinions expressed in these reviews are true to our experience only. We write honestly about our experience and only accept requests from businesses who we believe can benefit the For Every Hen community.
When a business does approach us, they are provided with information on how we go about writing reviews and understand that if we don't enjoy an experience or like a product, we will be open about it.
If an experience or item was reviewed we will always let you know at the beginning of the article. From that review, it's up to you to decide if you're interested in learning more about that particular product or service. If you are interested, we encourage you to do your own investigations prior to booking an experience or purchasing a product.
Our Disclosure Statement
As already mentioned, For Every Hen may contain advertisements, sponsored content, affiliate links or other forms of monetization; and any content whereby we receive money will be clearly identified as paid or sponsored.
We make no representations, warranties, or assurances as to the accuracy, currency or completeness of the content contained on this website or any sites linked to or from this website. As such, any reliance you place on such information is strictly at your own risk.
You are able to click through to other websites via For Every Hen that are not under the control of For Every Hen; and we have no control over the nature, content and availability of those sites. The inclusion of any links doesn't necessarily imply a recommendation or endorse the views expressed within them and their content. We will at no point be held liable for any loss or damage as a result of you using this website.
If you have any questions about the above disclosure statement, please don't hesitate to contact Bec (For Every Hen founder/director) by clicking here.